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Cookies are small text files stored on your computer by this site to help optimise the operation of the site, for example to adapt the display of this site to your screen size whether you are viewing it from a phone, computer or tablet. Cookies help to make the site work and improve its interactivity during your visit. We describe here the different types of cookies used on this site so that you can enable or disable them in accordance with the requirements of the GDPR.
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We use these cookies to enable the site to function optimally. You can refuse to receive these cookies and delete them directly in the settings of the Internet browser you are using. However, your user experience may be affected, particularly in terms of how it is displayed.
The recording of your choices on the use of cookies on our site as well as the choice of the language used are the subject of 2 necessary cookies detailed below:
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We use these cookies to enable the site to function optimally. You can refuse to receive these cookies and delete them directly in the settings of the Internet browser you are using. However, your user experience may be affected, particularly in terms of display.
The recording of your choices on the use of cookies on our site as well as the choice of the language used are the subject of 2 necessary cookies detailed below:
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